Most people miss the "every day" otherwise "casual" signs of demonic infestation
Healing Elaine®: Bridging the Gap Between Medical & Spiritual®
Since I was little I could detect God and evil. Not just the overall notion of each but the nuances of each. What others considered “whatever” and “normal” I considered life or death - because I knew it was.
On a daily basis I am astounded by those whose lives are falling apart yet they’re missing glaring, red signs that spell out the reasons for such - sleeping around, stealing, cheating, lying, living in fear (i.e. getting vaccine when they didn’t want it, but didn’t want to lose money - while they were totally financially stable, just weak and greedy). The devil has so clearly laid out for us the glaring signs that will definitely get us in trouble, yet we ignore them; and then what about the more subtle signs?