Why perpetrators die when their victims heal
Healing Elaine®: Bridging the Gap Between Medical & Spiritual®
Anything not of the light, is not real - meaning, darkness doesn’t exist without light and evil doesn’t survive without eating love.
Love can be interpreted as pure consciousness, and effectively that’s what it is. Love is everything true, and fear is everything untrue.
I’ve written much about demons and evil and you can catch up on those articles in my blog which is now accessible via a one-time membership fee. If you have and link breaks or redirect issues, please visit my website healingelaine.com and click the “blog” tab. It contains a 10-year library of over 300 original articles about the intangibles of the human condition and how they play out for us. I write about my experiences after I have them - through the lens of someone who wished they’d had some answers before having to endure in order to suss out the gold! I hope my blog provides clarity and answers for the questions you have which, perhaps you never knew you did. As a side note, my blog is not duplicate material - my Substack here contains all unique and original articles as well, and I am developing my purpose for using it (such as the now available voiceover options within articles, and the podcasting option!).